Rental Flats and Houses: Consider What Tenant’s Need When Furnishing

 Obviously, when furnishing your rental flat or house, you need to make the place look attractive so that it will create an instant appeal with prospective tenants. See tips for making your rental property look good and rent fast.

It is also, however, important to provide tenants with the storage and facilities that they need.

1 Kitchen

Within the kitchen, tenants need good cooking facilities (a modern oven and preferably a microwave as well as a toaster and kettle).

They also need adequate storage facilities – space for china, cutlery, cooking utensils AND food. Most tenants like a freezer as well as a fridge – or at least a large fridge-freezer rather than being expected to cope with a small ice-making compartment at the top of a small fridge.

Most modern tenants also want a tumble-drier as well as a washing-machine – or, failing this, a combined washer-drier.

2 Tenant Bedrooms

Professional adult tenants require a double or kingsize bed – regardless of whether the flat or house is rented to a single person or a couple. In today’s market, single beds are generally only acceptable for children or occasional visitors.

Storage space in the form of wardrobes, chest-of-drawers, dressing table and bedside tables needs to be sufficient for the average person/couple. Where space is tight, a built-in wardrobe permits for storage shelves above the height of the average wardrobe and beds with built-in drawers provide additional storage.

Ensure that all beds are clean and comfortable – would you like to sleep on a rock-hard bed or a lumpy bed with a saggy mattress? Would you want to sleep on a bed with a soiled mattress? – Note that it is sensible to provide mattress protectors and to stipulate in the contract that these must be used at all times.

3 Guest Bedrooms

Many houses and some flats have smaller “guest” bedrooms. Consider furnishing these to appeal to tenants wanting a bedroom for visitors as well as tenants wanting an office where they can bring work home to. A futon or single bed together with a computer desk and chair and a small bookcase if room generally does the trick.

4 Lounge – Lounge/Diner

Most people like to relax on a settee so try to provide a settee with a second settee (or matching comfy chairs) for visitors. As with the beds, ensure that these are clean and comfortable – would you want to relax on a rock-hard settee or sit on grimy chairs?

Within the dining-room/dining-area, provide a table and chairs – enough for the tenants and a couple of visitors.

A sideboard can provide additional storage space if the kitchen is small.

5 Bathroom

Most tenants like a shower as well as a bath. Don’t forget little things such as towel rails, toilet roll holders, bath/shower tidies and bathroom mirrors. A cheap plastic hook on the bathroom door can be useful for clothes.

6 Other.

Don’t forget the little touches – a mirror in the hall so guest can check their appearance as they leave, a hall table for keys, coat hooks for outdoor coats. Somewhere within your rented flat or house it is also nice to supply a bookcase or too.

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